TNVR stands for Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return. It has been internationally accepted as the most humane and effective method of controlling outdoor cat populations in our communities. These outdoor cats, regardless of their temperment, are humanely trapped, spayed/neutered and vaccinated for rabies. After their recovery, they are returned to their colonies where cat loving caretakers feed them, supply fresh water and shelter and monitor the colony for newcomers and medical issues.
We do not relocate cats. The cats we trap have learned to survive where we find them, relocating them is not in their best interest or in the best interest of the community. There is a “vacuumeffect” that happens when cats are removed from a location. New cats will appear in the newly available territory and they will take the place of the removed cats. These new cats will not be spayed and neutered and the cat population will again begin to grow out of control.
The cats that have gone through the TNVR program have a small ear tip to identify them as being spayed/neutered and vaccinated.
Breeding cats and their offspring can quickly overwhelm a community
Ear tipped cat that has gone through the TNVR program
One of our caretakers tending to her colony
The Benefits of TNVR
A TNVR program will break the breeding cycle and reduce the outdoor cat population
Colonies are humanely maintained and monitored
Spay/Neuter will make cats good neighbors
Nuisance behaviors associated with outdoor cats and their mating behaviors are reduced dramatically.
Spraying to mark their territory
After TNVR, cats will live healthier more peaceful lives
What is TNVR?
TNVR stands for Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return. It has been internationally accepted as the most humane and effective method of controlling outdoor cat populations in our communities. These outdoor cats, regardless of their temperment, are humanely trapped, spayed/neutered and vaccinated for rabies. After their recovery, they are returned to their colonies where cat loving caretakers feed them, supply fresh water and shelter and monitor the colony for newcomers and medical issues.
We do not relocate cats. The cats we trap have learned to survive where we find them, relocating them is not in their best interest or in the best interest of the community. There is a “vacuum effect” that happens when cats are removed from a location. New cats will appear in the newly available territory and they will take the place of the removed cats. These new cats will not be spayed and neutered and the cat population will again begin to grow out of control.
The cats that have gone through the TNVR program have a small ear tip to identify them as being spayed/neutered and vaccinated.
The Benefits of TNVR
A TNVR program will break the breeding cycle and reduce the outdoor cat population
Nuisance behaviors associated with outdoor cats and their mating behaviors are reduced dramatically.